November 28th, 2012 by

The girls were super excited about decorating the Christmas tree and all the other decorations going up in the house. Some of the fun kids sayings that came out while we did our decorating were Emily asking if we were going to hang the “garlic” this year. She was referring to the garland. Robby and I had to think about it for a while before we decided to correct her term. Although we have continued to refer to the “hanging of the garlic”. The other cute saying was from Julia. She kept asking when we were going to hang the “jewels” and “diamonds” on the tree. It was her words for ornaments, but we loved the idea that to her the ornaments were like diamonds. Now though if you ask her what we hung on the tree she will tell you that it was marshmallows. She must have loved the S’more ornament collection we have on the tree.

Emily mentioned to me the difference in how we decorated something over the last couple of years. I know she loves Christmas and having the decorations, but it was cool that she could remember such detail about what she sees from year to year.

The girls are counting down the days to get to countdown to Christmas. We have an advent wreath we decorate with ornaments and a book a day to read and it all starts on December 1st. They are ready for the excitement to begin!!
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November 20th, 2012 by

Julia celebrated Thanksgiving at her Camp Faith program. They sang a few songs and represented pilgrims and Indians. Julia and Maeve were pretty subdued during the singing and were not interested in making their boat piece rock. The little program was cute.
After the short performance the kids got to eat a special dinner with their parent. The table cloth was a fun coloring sheet that entertained while we got food arranged. Julia seemed to enjoy herself.
Julia and Maeve picked out their own clothes today and they both had blue and brown outfits. They must have talked on Sunday and coordinated. Ok, maybe that will be what happens in a few years.

The kids in the boat.

The whole class with their teacher.

Julia doing a little coloring while she waited for dinner.
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November 16th, 2012 by

. . . the little girl who organized the silverware drawer. Emily had been fussing about getting her silverware out, so Mama let her organize the kid silverware anyway she wanted into three containers in the drawer. She loved it and was given the job of maintaining it. She doesn’t love the everyday part as much.
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November 9th, 2012 by

Emily’s first class trip was to the Museum of Appalachia. They were the only school group there, so it was easy to keep up with the kids. Keeping up with the kids was made easier as there were also a lot of parents to help with the kids. In Emily’s class alone there were 12 parents for the 17 kids, though not all of the classes had as many parents.
Emily chose to hang out with her friend Charlie for most of the morning outing. We explored the buildings, saw the wildlife, had to speak to all the kids we ran into, and bounced around quite a bit. Emily was not too interested in all the buildings and how things were done, but she picked up on a few things. Charlie was fascinated with the lady demonstrating quilting. I expect she will be asking for someone to give her a go at it herself.
Just as the morning got warm, it was time for lunch and then the return trip to school. Emily was a bit cold because she like most of the kids in her class left their coats and sweatshirts behind at school. Silly kids, maybe they will remember next time.

A warming up Emily in the big field.

The Hominy Mamas who entertained the kids with funny songs and a few fast facts about pioneer life.

This amazing Dad lifted each kid so they could ring the dinner bell. That would be 45 kids in 20 minutes. He got in today’s workout.

Emily with her friend Charlie.

Some hungry sheep out for their lunch.
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November 2nd, 2012 by

We got lucky and were responsible for snacks right before Julia’s birthday at her preschool program. Julia got to pick out her party cupcakes at Sam’s. Picking out your own cupcakes for school is a girl tradition at our house. She happily picked Dora.

This is her holding her breath so she would be ready to blow the candle out.

It is always good to celebrate with your friend.

A table full of little kids enjoying snack time.
Dora celebrating Julia’s 4th!
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November 1st, 2012 by
Julia had several birthday celebrations this year. Because we were going to be traveling on her actual birthday we celebrated her birthday at home a couple of days ahead of time. It seemed fair for her to get her gifts a couple of days early so she could get some playtime with them before she had to be parted from them.
Julia picked her birthday dessert to be monster brownies and to eat at Snappy Tomato for dinner. She enjoyed the attention of the dinner, the food choice, the games we played, eating with her grandparents, and all of her gifts. It is good to turn four!

That is a lot of joy found in hitting a little yellow circle.

Fun and games with our sister.

Driving with our Daddy to help us reach the gas pedal.

Emily taking her turn at driving very seriously!

A great photo of the big sister.

The dessert display – fun faces for the family.

It is a big job to blow the candle out!
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