December 17th, 2014 by

The girls participated in our church’s annual Christmas program and nativity. It is full of kid cuteness, brave acts, and personally connecting with the story of Jesus’s birth. Emily chose to be a wise-woman again and Julia chose an angel. There was an element of individuality in Julia’s choice, she wanted to be something different than Emily. I love seeing her step into her own. Emily had a short reading part and did a great job of reading clearly and slowly. The little kids were really sweet in the program. They were animals and did their own things. One took his costume off and then was happy to sit on the step. Another child crawled to the manger and spent the rest of the story rubbing baby Jesus’s head. The story is timeless and the kids love telling it. There is no better story to tell than about God coming to us.

The angel watches over her small animal friends.

It seems the Wisemen had secrets to share.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” – Luke 2:8-14
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February 6th, 2013 by

We had some cousin photos taken while we had two sets together. It had been almost four years since the last group photo. They did really well for being 9, 7, 5-3/4, and 4. They really enjoy being together, just not always sitting still together.

The boys showed their true selves in their photos. It was terrific to have their self expressions captured.

The girls showing their favorite grins and some of their own self expressions.

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February 5th, 2013 by

We were invited to a cookie party at the Humphries. What is Christmas holiday without some cookie baking and decorating? What had a great time playing with dough, making the dough into cookie patters, decorating cookies, baking cookies, and eating the finished product. The girls were a bit shy at first. Once some of their little friends showed up and they got to know the big boys they were all for the fun.

Emily getting her dough ready for cookies!

Such a serious girl checking out the dough.

Getting the dough ready for rolling with Mama.

Rolling, rolling, rolling . . . Check out the excited girl in background.

So many cookie cutters to choose from! Wait, where did the glass slipper cutter come from?

Aiden hanging with the big boys while the egg smearing step occurs.

Aiden giving some decorating input or maybe just hanging out.

This has to be the best step of the whole baking process. Of course eating is really the best step, but Julia did the eating step all the way through the process (note the sprinkles all over her face).

The White Hand of Flour!

Four little kids who skipped naps, made and ate cookies, and played hard were needing a bit of downtime. They got to watch Frosty the Snowman and relax a bit before going home.
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February 4th, 2013 by

The Mama-made Christmas gift for the girls was to fix up a family hand-me-down bunk doll beds. The beds came from Mama’s aunt and got a fresh coat of paint. Then each bed was given a new mattress, sheet, blanket, pillow, and doll quilt. Emily’s bed was themed with blue material and Julia’s bed was themed with pink material. It is great to be able to pass down things from the past and make them new and fresh with Mama’s touch too.

A bit of the material used in each of the quilts was taken from a Great-Grandma’s quilting box and the sheet material was an old toddler bed sheet also passed down for two generations.

The dolls slide right in.
The idea that they stack and unstack is pretty cool, but in our small house leaving them stacked makes most sense.
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February 3rd, 2013 by

What can be more fun than standing over the air vent in big fluffy dresses?

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December 19th, 2012 by
Christmas break is in full force for Emily and her Mama is trying to enjoy her as much as possible before school resumes. To enjoy a beautiful sunny December day we planned a day to visit the zoo, see Santa, run errands, make a holiday craft, buy Mama a sweater, drive through a light show, eat dinner out, and visit with kid friends for most of it. At the end of the evening two tired girls were carried in from the car and put directly in bed. Tomorrow has been declared a PJ day with lots of Christmas story reading.
The ZOO!

So much fun just hanging out playing with our friends. The weather was beautiful and sunny. We might have encouraged a kid to skip a little school today to join us. Julia’s top animal choice for the day was the beaver (who was awake and playing today) and Emily’s top animal choice for the day were the bats.

We have called the combo of Julia and Maeve by the title of “the littles” for 4 years now, but it seems like maybe this pair will take the title over.

Emily loves to talk to Santa and will do so every time she gets a chance. Julia passed up the opportunity to speak with this Santa. She told Mama that “maybe next year I would like to”.
Holiday Craft!

Making a fun Santa ornament. Thank goodness Ms. Ashley was around to help Mama. There was some tight threading and small knots to tie that she seems to be better at. 😉

Julia loved it, obviously. She is just too cute when excited. Check out little Thea in the background.

The girls loved driving the racecar around the track and trying to stop and start it exactly on the start/finish line. Kids are fun.

The zoo carousel was closed today (much disappointment) and then we found this one later in the day to ride. I think the wild bear, moose, and elk make for a fun ride.
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