December 12th, 2010 by

“My foot fits in Daddy’s footprints” – implied comment from Julia

We were delighted today to a winter wonderland. Normally when the weather experts predict snow it doesn’t happen, but today they got it right. Off and on all day we have seen the flying white stuff. Late this afternoon the accumulation started to pick up so the girls got to run out to play just before dark. Robby joined the girl snow expedition.
Emily made snow angels, cleared snow off of things, and analyzed different foot prints. Julia warmed up slowly to the snow and didn’t really want to walk in it. She got braver the longer she was out and ended up helping with the footprint search and clearing some snow. They came back in when they cold and it got too dark. From our window we were delighted to see a resident deer walk through our yard. She couldn’t hide well with her dark fur against the white snow.
We will see if there is any snow tomorrow to play in. At the girls bed time the driveway, roads, tree branches, and the ground were completely covered. It was is a beautiful winter wonderland scene.
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December 8th, 2010 by

It took several days to get our Christmas tree decorated this year. I attempted to decorate when the girls were asleep. My hope was that if Julia didn’t see me touching every ornament, branch, and light she might not try to do the same. Emily did help me place ornaments at the end.
I have loved watching both girls discover the different ornaments on the tree. Emily has found all the photo ornaments and the ones with her name on it. Julia’s favorite ornaments so far are the Veggie Tale and Pooh ornaments. I hung all the Pooh ornaments in one spot on the tree and called it ‘Pooh’s Corner’. They have done a great job of leaving the ornaments on the tree and only touching them gently.
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December 3rd, 2010 by

Some concepts are almost impossible to explain to a kid, you just have to let them learn on their own. Unfortunately, when it comes to swimming in their grandparents pool in late November it requires Mommy to participate too. A few days prior we had been visiting Aunt Cindy and Uncle Ken and enjoyed an afternoon swim in their heated pool. It was fun and while you stayed in the water quite enjoyable.
When we got to Miami, the girls asked to swim in their Grandparents’ pool. We explained that it was not a heated pool and it was a little cold to swim in, but the girls kept asking. I decided that they only way to end the requests was to grant it. By the time we got in the pool it was completely dark and cool. When it was time to put toes in the water Julia was all for it and Emily was a bit skittish. We all went out to get wet and wet we were going to get, so I picked Emily up and took her into the water. We played a bunch of games and when it was all over both girls were jumping into the pool from the side over and over again. I did get used to the water eventually. When we got out I checked out the water temperature and found out it had been a toasty 69 degrees.
Maybe next year when they ask they will be able to swim on their own and we can just watch. Somehow, I bet they won’t let me get away with that. I guess it will be Daddy’s turn.
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December 1st, 2010 by

While I love mashed potatoes I think we will not be having them at our household for a while. Emily turned tonight’s dinner into artwork instead of being eaten. I didn’t pick a battle over it and just let her not eat. As Robby and I watched the mashed potato “castle” being built it seemed to become JR Tolkien’s dragon Smaug from The Hobbit. It was adorned with peas and dressing. The additions really looked like scales and a little aging. We convinced Emily to call it Castle Smaug and joked that it was the throne under the mountain.
When it appeared that she was done decorating I took this photo. I told her that it was safe to eat now that we had a photo. She asked to see the photo and I promised that after she ate Smaug I would let her. She promptly picked up her fork and took a bite. I walked away in wonder at my good luck. I wish I could claim credit for my plan, but I can’t. But maybe I will be able to use it again at some point.
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