October 18th, 2012 by

At school Emily learned all about twisting a swing before getting onto it. Such great things we go to school to learn. She loves to put her backpack down from school and run right over to the swing. Her current complaint with our swing is that it doesn’t swing straight. She can not quite understand that it is a infant swing tied up in a tree and therefore will not preform as expected.
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April 29th, 2012 by
We celebrated spring with our annual barn dance. The girls were so excited to be going and wearing their boots. They enjoyed swinging, playing with other people’s toys, eating some chili, and playing with their friends. When we were on the barn dance floor and not many people around both Emily and Elena danced and had so much fun. It was so sweet to watch them.

Emily and Elena are practicing using their lassos.

The big happy cowgirl.

The little spunky cowgirl.
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March 14th, 2011 by

It is spring break for Grammy so we went over for a little playtime and lunch. It was a bit cooler outside than I was expecting so the girls were underdressed for playing outside. So we found a shrug for Julia and Emily got a sweatshirt that looked like a dress on her. They played outside for a long time both on the swing set and picking up leaves and putting them in a pot with water in it. It always amazes me at what keeps kids entertained.
Julia is looking older now days in her photos. I guess she is getting older. I’m not sure she asked permission to grow up.
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September 28th, 2010 by

I love photos of swinging! It is such a fun activity, kids love it, and when the weather is pretty there is nothing better.
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April 20th, 2010 by

We took advantage of a photography class needing models to get some free photos of the girls taken. Time will tell if the mix of busy kids and photographers in training can produce some good photos. The quality of the photos will not dampen what was a really fun evening of just spending time together.
Amazingly, we got there early, so the girls and I walked down to the excursion train to check it out. On the way down the sidewalk, we found lots of things to look at and discuss. Emily kept telling me how much she was enjoying our nature walk and thanking me for taking her on the nature walk. It was cute. We found etched stone with river names that Emily loved pointing out all the individual letters she knew.
Julia loved the swing by the fountains. She would walk back to them every time I got her out of it. Emily on the other hand figured out that she could take her shoes off and run around getting her toes wet in the fountains. There was a lot of happy giggles! We were just silly, let off steam from the days frustrations, and enjoyed each other’s company.
The humble photos that I have are just snapshots that I took while we were at play.
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April 19th, 2010 by

Emily was pushing Julia’s swing from the front. It is more fun when you can see the face of the one you are pushing.
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