January 10th, 2011 by

We had a beautiful snowfall today. We did a little playing in the snow and these are some of our best memories.
We made angels.

We rode our sled and played with our neighbor Laurel.

We played with Daddy.

We got cold noses.

We made snowballs.

We made funny faces.

And lastly, we built a sled that Mommy, Emily, and Laurel enjoyed.

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December 12th, 2010 by

“My foot fits in Daddy’s footprints” – implied comment from Julia

We were delighted today to a winter wonderland. Normally when the weather experts predict snow it doesn’t happen, but today they got it right. Off and on all day we have seen the flying white stuff. Late this afternoon the accumulation started to pick up so the girls got to run out to play just before dark. Robby joined the girl snow expedition.
Emily made snow angels, cleared snow off of things, and analyzed different foot prints. Julia warmed up slowly to the snow and didn’t really want to walk in it. She got braver the longer she was out and ended up helping with the footprint search and clearing some snow. They came back in when they cold and it got too dark. From our window we were delighted to see a resident deer walk through our yard. She couldn’t hide well with her dark fur against the white snow.
We will see if there is any snow tomorrow to play in. At the girls bed time the driveway, roads, tree branches, and the ground were completely covered. It was is a beautiful winter wonderland scene.
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February 7th, 2010 by

You can tell when it is time to come in from playing in the snow – the baby falls asleep while swinging. Emily had been sweet to push Julia in the swing and after a while she announced that Julia was asleep. I tucked Julia’s hands into her sleeves pulled her hat over her head better and then loaded Emily into the sled and gave her a ride. Actually it was like 8 trips around our side yard with her skidding down the hill and me pulling her back up. Then I took them in for naptime.
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February 6th, 2010 by

Somehow Emily learned about snowballs on her own. She played out with Robby as he shoveled the driveway. Her play included taking a soda to Daddy carefully (only dropped it once), throwing snowballs at Daddy, and exploring in the snow for tracks. The next day when she, Julia, and Mommy were outside together she continued the snowball game by placing snowballs on Julia and throwing them at Mommy. Her placement of the snowballs was not to Julia’s liking so we had to make a rule to only share them with Mommy. We did give a snowball to Julia to play with.
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February 6th, 2010 by
The girls enjoyed sitting together in the sled taking rides around the yard and up and down the street. Julia would sit stiffly and look around while Emily giggled and held Julia steady (most of the time). The best ride was on the road, but required a lot of parent effort to make it happen. Emily was also very interested in taking Julia for a ride in the sled. Luckily the sled never took off with Julia.
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