October 26th, 2014 by

We celebrated Halloween at Ms. Laurel and Mr. Shawn’s house. The girls had been asking to go out and see our friends and ride their horses, so we made sure we got an invitation. All of us seem to enjoy this yearly event. The girls didn’t have any fear of the horses this year. They rode without saddles and the only complaint I heard was that their rear-ends were a bit sore. Julia especially kept asking for another trip around the yard. The day was beautiful and dry. The evening cooled off a lot when the sun went down, but by then we were settled inside for food and pumpkin carving. No good photos of the pumpkins, but Laurel and Shawn did a great job carving the girls’ original designs. New this year was some additional friends added to the party. Another young family (if we still get to call ourselves a young family) joined in the fun. Their daughter was uncertain about the horse, but once she got started, she did not want to get off either. Our girls enjoyed having two more little people to hang out with.

Emily enjoying herself.

Our new Halloween party friends.

Riding around the yard.

The only thing Julia didn’t seem to enjoy about the evening was looking at the camera. Oh well. Another successful party. Thanks Laurel and Shawn.
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October 31st, 2012 by

We joined Laurel and Shawn out at their farm for another Halloween party. We accept that they moved from our neighborhood, but only if they will continue to invite us out to celebrate Halloween each year. We have no complaints with our current neighbors, but we miss our former neighbors.
We were there early enough to get to take a ride around the yard with their horse, Letti, and pony, Chester. We like the fact that the horses keep their yard mowed for them. The girls did well with the horses. Emily was willing to try her hand at grooming, but not for long.
After the ride we carved pumpkins, had dinner, and ate lots of candy. We are looking forward to next year’s celebration.

Emily providing her grooming services.

Chester giving Emily a gentle ride.

Julia getting her ride from Chester. I love that Emily kept them company and held Laurel’s hand.

The girls with their pumpkins. They picked out a design and Laurel and Shawn each cut one out for them.
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January 10th, 2011 by

We had a beautiful snowfall today. We did a little playing in the snow and these are some of our best memories.
We made angels.

We rode our sled and played with our neighbor Laurel.

We played with Daddy.

We got cold noses.

We made snowballs.

We made funny faces.

And lastly, we built a sled that Mommy, Emily, and Laurel enjoyed.

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