Our Kids' Blog

Our Cowgirls went to A Barn Dance

April 29th, 2012 by Mommy

We celebrated spring with our annual barn dance. The girls were so excited to be going and wearing their boots. They enjoyed swinging, playing with other people’s toys, eating some chili, and playing with their friends. When we were on the barn dance floor and not many people around both Emily and Elena danced and had so much fun. It was so sweet to watch them.


Emily and Elena are practicing using their lassos.



The big happy cowgirl.


The little spunky cowgirl.

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You Silly Kids

April 21st, 2012 by Mommy

(5 & 3) The silly things you kids do!

  • You both have been crawling on the floor pretending to be pets eating spilled cheerios. Generally Emily is the cat and Julia the dog. We hope you haven’t been spilling them on purpose.
  • When racing to the car, house, tree, or whatever – when you reach your destination both of you girls say "TOUCHDOWN" and sometimes Emily adds a "woo-hoo" to the end.
  • When Mama puts away a draw full of clean jammies or makes Julia’s bed, Julia comes and hugs her Mama and gives a very sincere "Thank you, Mommy". So sweet, she seems to appreciate the acts of service. We will have to wait and see if it continues.
  • The two of you have given nicknames to everyone in our house. Daddy is Big Pickle, Emily is Little Pickle, Mommy is Mommy Cookie, and Julia is Little Carrot. Emily named herself and Daddy. Julia named herself and Mama.
  • You two seem to have selective hearing. You heard that you could have Easter candy, but you didn’t seem to hear that you could only have one. Several candies later you both were bouncing off the walls.
  • If you ask Emily what she is "interested" in, she will answer "I am interested in volcanoes and tornados".
  • Julia is talking much more. It is likely you will hear her say phrases like: I just joking, come-on E, Das (That’s) my baby, Mama come-on, Do it myself, Put me down, I do, Let’s go (to the) park, Lemme go daddy, Yep, Shoo, Shush, I want go Daddy work, and Pleaze-pretty-pleaze.

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A Day With Becky

April 12th, 2012 by Mommy

We had a play day with Becky as she took her spring break visiting with Grammy and Granddaddy. She joined us for bible study and then we had lunch together. The girls then introduced her to the kids books at the used book store. While we shopped the kids books, she got to explore the rest of the store. Then they literally drug her around Sam’s. Emily thought it would be fun to race Mama to each location of the next item on the list. She and Julia took Becky by the hand and then pulled her to where they needed to go next. Before dinner we all played outside kicking balls around, coloring and going on adventures. Thanks for playing with us today Becky!



This is Becky and Emily going on an adventure to find the volcano. I’m not sure how the balls were involved in the expedition.

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A Morning At the Park

April 3rd, 2012 by Mommy

We spent the morning at the park with our friends Grace and Daniel. The big girls had a great time playing on the different equipment. They kept trying to cross the monkey bars, but would get stuck part way across and need saving. They discovered the water fountain had been turned on and turned it into a source of entertainment. I loved that they would use teamwork to get drinks where Grace would push for Emily to drink and Emily for Grace. Julia spent time playing with the bigger girls, with Mama, and by herself playing. Daniel loves swinging and did that by himself for the longest time. He joined in a little, but for the most part he played on his own too.


Emily insisted on swinging on the little kids swing so she could go higher and faster. 😉


All three girls were “cooking” at the diner. Julia kept serving Mama macaroni and cheese soup. The main ingredient was mulch.


The happy swinging boy!


Julia would alternate between wanting to swing “higher-faster” and “slower-lower”. She loves her swinging.


The three girls attempting to slide at the same time.


Grace pushing the fountain button so Emily could get her drink. What great teamwork.

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Playing In the Ocean

March 30th, 2012 by Mommy

The girls and Mama went camping and had some time to play at the beach. The weather was warm, the ocean cool, the breeze pleasant, and the giggles perfect. Thank you Grandma for taking photos so that Mama could just play.

Just some shots from the fun beach play.


No words can say more than Emily’s face already is saying.


So intent, Julia what are you studying?


Dylan being busy. Lots of sand digging – lots of fun!


What a ham! Natalie was SO great with all of the kids.


Everything is so new and fresh for Elizabeth. Even her crying face is cute.

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Spring Has Sprung

March 15th, 2012 by Mommy

Today was a beautiful day. It was a warm and sunny morning to play at the Botanical Garden with our friends. We shared our last picnic and playtime for a while as Elena and Maeve will be doing some traveling. Emily is praying for her friends every night that God would take care of them on their trip and bring them home safely. Very genuine and sweet! One funny activity of the day was with the Pringles we shared. The girls all enjoyed making their duck faces with the chips.


The big girls being very sweet together.


They were being a bit silly, but having fun playing in their special castle.


How very typical of Julia these days to have her fingers in her mouth. She is cutting some molars right now and they must be bothering her a lot, because she puts everything in her mouth to chew on it. Sweet smile – she enjoyed her time playing with her friends.


Mirror, mirror on the wall – who’s the silliest of them all? Today it was the little girls for sure.


Maeve is always ready for a moment with the camera, at least with Ms. Rachelle.

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