May 20th, 2009 by

There are moments that happen that need to be bottled so you can enjoy them over and over again. They are not the big milestone moments, although they would be fun to have, it is the small insignificant moments that show a glimpse into who we are and how we tick.
I had one of those moments today. We were at our Mommy/Kid exercise class today and Emily was enjoying rummaging through the toy box when we arrived. I was getting Julia settled for some floor-time so I could give Emily some Mommy time. Emily shows up with a toy for Julia to play with. Amazingly it was an age appropriate toy too.
I was so pleased that one of Emily first thoughts was to think of her sister. This moment is worth living over again – where is that bottle??
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May 19th, 2009 by

We spent a beautiful hour out picking strawberries with some friends and their girls. It is nice to be out with people that Emily is familiar with; so that, she is so much more bold. She also wants to be like the other girls so she generally acts better and tries new things to be like them too. I think she had a lot of fun, she didn’t have any inhibitions about picking the red strawberries straight from the plants on the ground. No lesson on how to pick was necessary. I might need to check over the ones we picked to see if we have any overly ripe ones.
Emily picked strawberries, visited with the different mamas, hung out with the girls, fell down and required comfort, played in the dirt, found mud, played with Julia, snuck snacks from Elena’s lunch, and sampled Mommy’s strawberry fried pie. I call that a successful outing! It is hard to take photos, herd kids, pick strawberries, and get great photos. So, I have no photos of Julia because she hung out in our front pack and no great individual photos of Emily. But we had fun and enough photos to help us remember it by.
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May 17th, 2009 by

I thought it would be fun to let Julia ‘play’ with the big toys when we took her to the park. She fits well in the play bucket. I tried to get a photo with Emily, but she wasn’t interested in doing anything that involved standing still. Julia can hug the ball pretty well, although she preferred to chew and drool on it.
Julia is up to lots of stuff these days. Just a quick update for 6-1/2 months.
- She will roll over almost every time I put her on her tummy and still doesn’t like being on her tummy. She has rolled from her back to tummy a few times, but she has to be lucky or on an easy surface.
- You have to be careful of what you put in front of her. She will reach and take things that are in front of her nowadays, and then put them in her mouth. I’m starting to get better about remembering.
- She enjoys her exersaucer for brief periods of time, but it is not a long term place to play.
- She is making a lot of noise especially with squeals. You will look at her while she is making all of her noise and when you make eye contact her face lights up and she smiles. I think she knows how to get attention.
- Julia is still sleeping in her cradle at night in our room. She is sleeping through the night now with one feeding just before Robby gets up for work. If the cradle was wider I might worry that she could roll over, but it is pretty narrow. She would be fine to move in with Emily if I was ready. We will have a pack-n-play replace the cradle in our room for naps and ‘safe play’.
- Our nap schedule is getting pretty regular now, or at least the first one of the day is. Julia is ready for a nap around 10:30-11:00 each morning. She will nap for a couple of hours and then will take another one later in the afternoon, but that one is not as regularly timed.
- Julia likes to ride in the car and has stopped her screaming while we are in a drive-thru. She will go to sleep in the car pretty regularly. When you take her out she almost always wakes up with the movement.
- Julia has been sampling baby cereal for about a week now. She hasn’t figured out what to do with it yet. I made it with formula at first and have changed to mommy’s milk. When I made that change she made less funny faces and seemed to like it in her mouth more. She still spits it out, but seems to enjoy the flavor more.
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May 16th, 2009 by

We took a drive to the mountains with the girls to see some sunshine and feel the fresh breezes. We picnicked at Cades Cove, then we took advantage of a nearby stream for a little playtime. After our cold-toe fun, we took a hike up the trail along the stream. Julia rode in the front pack and fell asleep half way out. I take that as a sign that she enjoyed it. Emily rode in the backpack with Daddy. She loved it and near the end of the hike she put her head down on Robby and may have gone to sleep if we hadn’t been overtaken by horses on the trail. That was way too interesting to look at.
Julia is big enough to hold her own in her umbrella stroller. The only problem is that the stroller is small enough that Emily thinks that she should be able to push it. We let her push the ball around in the stroller and decided that she might have to wait a little while until she gets to push Julia on her own.
For as cold as the stream was, you would not have known it by the reaction of the kids. Julia never fussed about her toes in the water and Emily stayed in it until we told her to get out. We were able to trick Daddy into wading into the water. Julia has her usual serious face about having her feet in the water, but I think she was studying it more than showing her displeasure.
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May 11th, 2009 by

Here is our growing girl on her first Mother’s day!
We had an enjoyable Mother’s Day together. We attended church with my parents, so Grammy could show off her grand-girls. We then went to enjoy a tasty lunch together. We finished off the evening with a little competative wii play where I held my own. What more could a mom want out of her day – good company, good family, good food, and good play.
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May 8th, 2009 by

More beautiful smiles!
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