Little Girl and Big Hat

We bought a hat for Emily which she likes, but it can also fit Julia. She was modeling it for us and looking sweet. We will have to buy her own hat.
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We bought a hat for Emily which she likes, but it can also fit Julia. She was modeling it for us and looking sweet. We will have to buy her own hat.
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11 years, 3 homes, 4 cars, 44 states, 2 kids, and one marriage spent together. I wish I had a photo from our honeymoon or wedding to display, but we were married in the pre-digital universe. I just didn’t have time to get one scanned in time to post, so here is a photo of us at the Grand Canyon 3 years into our marriage.
We have enjoyed our time together and it seems like it has been forever. I can only imagine what it is going to feel like in 11 more years. We have been truly blessed by each other. We praise God for the gifts and provisions He has given us in our marriage. We also pray that our marriage will be a blessing to others.
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Just some fun photos of the girls with their grandparents. Both girls got a lot of additional attention during their visit. That is the best part of having Grandparents! Grandparents play, treat, sneak you snacks, hug, and make good places for naps.
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We have been trying cereal for a little over a week and just yesterday we had the most success at eating. Julia ate just over two tablespoons of sticky, thick baby food cereal at one sitting. She spit a little of it out, but at the end of the meal the bowl was scrapped clean and she had eaten it all.
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A fun visit with our Florida grandparents just came to a close. Visits are too far apart and always too short. Especially at the speed the girls are growing. During their visit we went to visit the Mayfield Dairy and saw how they make jugs, fill them, and move ice cream around the plant. We also ate some yummy ice cream. During their visit we ate good food, splashed at pool time, did some shopping, and stopped by a park for some quick play before a storm blew in. In and between all the other activities there was also a lot of play, hugs, and stories.
I lucked onto the idea of the grandparent photo by the swing. It worked really well to keep the two year old contained and looking somewhat toward the camera. You can’t get enough photos of grandparents and their grandkids.
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What do you do with a pretty day, two pretty girls, and a pool? You have a lot of fun!! We splished and splashed until we were cold and in need of a snack. Emily shared toys really well with Julia and when we convinced her to not pour water on Julia everything was perfect. Julia enjoyed the pool from the floating bumbo. The bumbo wasn’t going to flip over, but it allowed her to move around the pool a little and chase toys. She has never had the ablility to get herself to the toy she was interested in. Like I said, it was perfect!
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