November 27th, 2008 by

We are very thankful this year for the blessings that God has given us. We are thankful for the things we have learned from our challenges this year. And mostly we are thankful that God is with us through both!
We will spend the Thanksgiving afternoon and evening with good food and family. Uncle Philip, Aunt Jen, Caleb, and Nathaniel are visiting for the holiday. We will eat at Grammy and Granddaddy’s house and have lots of fun playing together! Julia might just watch and take it all in, but most likely she will just nap for the evening.
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November 22nd, 2008 by

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice for a Sister!
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November 21st, 2008 by
Today was our morning movie day for the girls. While it seemed to take us forever to get out of the house, we managed to make it to the movie theater on time. We had to bundle up extra because it was literally freezing outside. Emily was willing to wear her hat (thanks Granddaddy for giving her a love of hats!) and scarf, but unwilling to wear her gloves. Wearing them outside has not been interesting, while she loves to wear the gloves around the house to play.
Julia slept through most of the movie with the exception of waking up for a bottle. I noticed that if you go to an active movie that a baby’s cry isn’t going to be heard over the music and dialog of the movie. It worked out really well.
Emily was simply wonderful today. We tried popcorn last month and Emily was really disinterested in it. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning and decided that I would get a popcorn and a drink. I figured that Emily would try a few and then end up becoming disinterested like last month. I was wrong. She tried it and helped me eat half of the bag. Then she took the bag from me, sat it on her lap, and munched most of the movie. Emily sat for the whole movie either on her booster seat or on my lap and watched the movie. She was such a big girl! The whole event was quite relaxing for me. Imagine that – going out into public with two little ones and being relaxed! It has been a good day!
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November 21st, 2008 by

Wow – It is Julia’s One Month Birthday today! I know everyone always says it, but I can’t believe that we have had her for one month now. I know for all the changes that our family has undergone in this last month so much has changed for Julia too. I guess we are all in this together.
We love her and are so grateful to God for giving us such a great gift!
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November 19th, 2008 by

Emily, Julia, and I went out to play in our yard. Emily was much more distracted by the swing than wanting to play in the leaves. I’m going to rake the leaves into a pile and then maybe she will like the idea of jumping in the pile. I gave her a broom while I raked up leaves in our yard. She enjoyed pushing around the leaves like Mommy. The only problem is that the day got too cold and Emily didn’t want to wear her gloves so we had to go back inside.
Emily surprised Robby yesterday by taking off her blue jeans by herself. We believe that she wanted her diaper changed and was just starting the process for us. She doesn’t like to lay on the changing table anymore. I think we might be getting close to moving into the bathroom.
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November 17th, 2008 by

The girls had some supervised play on Daddy’s lap.
Today Emily was pointing at different features on Julia’s face and named a few of them for me. I guess she was showing off. While I was proud that she knew the names, I was most glad that she pointed at Julia’s eye and didn’t poke it. Who knew that they second kid was going to be such a good educational tool.
Julia’s milestone for today is that she finally lost her umbilical cord. Tub baths for Julia now!!
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