Today Is Her Birthday!

Say hello to our newest baby girl, Julia Regan. She was born at 10:22 this morning and weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Both mother and daughter are doing fine.
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Say hello to our newest baby girl, Julia Regan. She was born at 10:22 this morning and weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Both mother and daughter are doing fine.
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Our baby girl arrived this morning. Her name is Julia Regan and she was 6 lbs. 13 oz. and 19.5 inches long at birth. Both mother and daughter are doing fine.
Here she is meeting her big sister Emily for the first time.
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(21 months) We celebrated Fall with a trip to the Corn Maze with Emily. We had a beautiful, sunny, and cool Saturday and took advantage of the day to play a little. We took Grandma and Grandpa with us for the day. The maze is broken into two sections and they told us that kids have an easier time on the longer section because the paths are straighter. Daddy took the lead and read the map so that we wouldn’t get lost. Emily took up the second position and liked to follow Daddy. Sometimes Emily decided that we should go a different way and Daddy would just find us the path with Emily’s detour. By the time we finished Emily had walked almost 3 miles by herself. We were amazed that she walked that far. Emily’s favorite part of the maze was the overlook and the stairs to get up to it. She cried when we had to leave that area.
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Mommy and Emily had a playtime together at Cades Cove with the kickball. It was a little dancing and a little kicking. Lots of laughs and happy faces!
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Here is Emily picking up her pumpkin and walking very carefully with it. She didn’t really understand what she was picking and picking up, so Mommy made sure that she picked one that she could handle. She was proud when she got it.
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Today was our 38 week checkup for the baby. Everything still looks good. The doctor’s estimation of the weight of the baby today is 6 lbs. It appears that she is on the same track as Emily in size. Because I will not be able to see my doctor next week for my visit, we went ahead and discussed having an induction. While I want to wait for the baby to come on her own, it is wise to plan ahead. We have an induction scheduled for October 21st as a backup plan in case the baby doesn’t come ‘on-time’. We are trusting God to work out all the little details surrounding taking care of the baby and Emily. He does such a good job whether or not I am practicing my trust in Him to provide. It just seems that God was with us today to work out some simple details of our day and it is a good reminder of His sufficient provision.
We had a surprise today when we went to our appointment. Granddaddy came to the appointment with us to watch Emily in the waiting room. When we arrived we found our friend Ashley in the waiting room. She was having a test and had to wait for a while in the waiting room. She hung out with Granddaddy and Emily while they waited for Mommy’s appointment. We are so grateful for the people that God has put in Emily’s life that love her. Today was just another reminder of that! It will be such a joy to see God do the same for the new baby.
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