April 28th, 2016 by

The strawberries came in early this year. We made our annual trip out with our friends to pick a few buckets full. With kids in school now, we went out in the late afternoon. While it could have been super hot, there was a nice breeze and the humidity was low, so the day was perfect. This year was the easiest hunt for our family. We had boots to take away the problems of the mud, the girls were able to pick a full bucket themselves, they were busy with friends while they worked, and we came home with plenty of red sweet snacks.

Our friends – only missing one trooper

This is how to pick strawberries – find a good spot, be willing to climb into the plants to find good ones, and hang with a friend.

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April 5th, 2016 by

The girls celebrated their birthday together and chose to have a dress-up party at a local store. We planned the party for when all of our friends (out-of-town ones too) could come. Everyone brought a doll/friend and they and their doll dressed for the party. Then they all shared snacks and giggles. The girls really enjoyed all the fun and being “grown-up”. While they are quickly growing up at least we can slow down enough to have these wonderful moments of fun. For the party theme they chose a Pink-Paris party. Thanks friends for joining us for the fun.

All of our friends together again!!

Birthday Sisters

Princess Julia in white with TWO tiaras! Why pick one when you can have more.

Princess Emily ready to strut her stuff. She is not our shy kid.

A pretty cupcake ready to celebrate.

The dolls get to eat a bit too. Here is the yummy eraser cupcake for the dolls.

Before all the fun started we snapped a photo. They are pretty pleased that the fun will be starting soon. Emily brought her Emily doll and Julia brought her doll she named Julia.

So glad to get to spend some time with friends!!

Sharing the fun the best part. Pure joy!
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May 27th, 2015 by
This year we celebrated the end of school with a party for both of the girls’ classes and friends. We met at the park and played with friends and classmates who joined us. There were toys available to play with and fruit and cookies snacks. The weather was sunny and clear and we enjoyed our afternoon of play! It was so much fun we will try to do this every year.

My blue eyed almost 3rd grader.

Blue shirts were the color of the day. You would think the girls had phone calls to arrange it, but they are so good they didn’t need to.

These two both have mischievous streaks, bet you could not guess.

A swing that is big enough for two.

Snacks on the snack table, toys in the background.

Tire swinging 2nd graders.

Tire swinging kinderkids.
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