August 1st, 2016 by

Happy First Day of School – Edwards Edition

The backpack is not so overpowering anymore for Emily. In a few days it will be heavy and full of all sorts of schoolwork.

This year is Emily’s fourth grade year. She is in the top grade of her school.

Emily’s teacher from first grade moved to fourth grade after Emily had her and to our joy they are reunited again this year. To prepare the students for middle school the grade will be swapping teachers for subjects and Ms. Harris will be Emily’s homeroom and English teacher. She will be great!

Julia’s backpack is still a bit big for her, but it will not be long for her to make it look smaller. She seems to be growing up a lot these days.

Second grade is big stuff around here. Julia is very excited about her new year and is excited for the new things she will learn this year. She has a new “purse” that she will likely be wearing daily.

Julia has Ms Racey for a teacher. She is the same teacher that Emily had for second grade and Mama worked a lot in the classroom. We are all excited to have her another year. She is known for her floating Lego people in the hand sanitizer. It is a fun classroom.
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June 3rd, 2016 by

Another school year is in the books for us. The girls loved their classes and teachers even though they were uncertain about them at the beginning of the year. Julia’s favorite classroom subject is math while Emily’s favorite is reading. They both made friends in their classes and while they are looking forward to the summer will miss seeing their friends. We hope for many fun summer adventures!

Julia and her 1st grade teacher, Ms. McVay

Emily and her 3rd grade teacher, Mr. Passmore
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August 3rd, 2015 by
The first day of school is here. The girls are pretty excited about the return to the school routine and going to school. They had their clothes picked out ahead of time and the morning planned. Julia’s biggest concern was if Mama would be on board for getting everything done before we needed to leave. Mama had input from both girls for what should be found in their lunches. Many requests for the rest of the week were given too.
Julia was a bit more nervous than her big sister. She was not interested in giving smiles for the photos and once we got to school she just scanned the kids faces, teacher faces, room layout, and just about everything else just trying to take it all in. Emily’s teacher was ready to go and was already giving classroom instruction to the class a few minutes before class even started. He must have a lot to cover on the first day. Third grade must be quite serious.

They were ready to get into the building! Excited for sure!!

The backpack doesn’t dwarf her so much these days. The backpack had to be worn on one shoulder only.

Julia’s desk and her first activity. She was a bit over photos and smiling. This is her “mama get this over with so I can do fun stuff” face.

Julia and her teacher.
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