June 17th, 2009 by

Last weekend we took the girls camping. It is wise to do things for the first time (with Julia) with friends, so we went in a rather large group. Emily slept on the air mattress with us and Julia was in the travel bassinet next to us. I found out how small our air mattress and tent have gotten with the growth of our family. Despite how cozy we were, both girls slept well.
Julia and Emily played in the pool with Elena on Saturday afternoon. It was a great way to cool off. The pool had music playing and the girls enjoyed dancing to the music. There was a good amount of splashing and even a few moments of sticking faces in the water. This was Julia’s first trip to a pool and she loved it. She loved being held by Mommy, being able to kick her feet, and slap the water with her hands.
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June 3rd, 2009 by

Just some more photos from our yard pool play. So much fun to be had! I’m looking forward to no more sniffles, sunny skies, and warm days so we can have more of these fun times.
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May 23rd, 2009 by

What do you do with a pretty day, two pretty girls, and a pool? You have a lot of fun!! We splished and splashed until we were cold and in need of a snack. Emily shared toys really well with Julia and when we convinced her to not pour water on Julia everything was perfect. Julia enjoyed the pool from the floating bumbo. The bumbo wasn’t going to flip over, but it allowed her to move around the pool a little and chase toys. She has never had the ablility to get herself to the toy she was interested in. Like I said, it was perfect!
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July 5th, 2008 by

(17 months) After I looked at this photo I was shocked to see how big Emily has gotten. She is becoming our big girl with each passing day. We love our big girl, but we also miss our little girl!
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July 3rd, 2008 by

We spent two afternoons playing in our backyard pool. Yesterday I introduced it to Emily and while she enjoyed playing she was very careful. She splashed, poured water on herself, moved toys around and had a good time. Today when we went out to play she was so much more bold. She was willing to get in by herself, move around, stand up, get in and out. She hasn’t discovered the fun game of pouring water on Mommy yet, but it will come soon.
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