Happy Mother’s Day!

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Posted in Emily Pics, Julia Pics | Comments Off on Happy Mother’s Day!
Here is our growing girl on her first Mother’s day!
We had an enjoyable Mother’s Day together. We attended church with my parents, so Grammy could show off her grand-girls. We then went to enjoy a tasty lunch together. We finished off the evening with a little competative wii play where I held my own. What more could a mom want out of her day – good company, good family, good food, and good play.
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(17 months) We are happy to announce the introduction of two new teeth in Emily’s mouth. We think that they are the two top molars, but there isn’t very much of it to see at this point. It has been so long since we have seen any new teeth and she has so few we have been hoping that she would get some new ones soon! She was a little fussy this afternoon which is what made me look to see if there had been any changes. One step closer to eating like a big girl!
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