December 4th, 2012 by

The Bradford Pear leaves have fallen and the day for leaf pickup is quickly approaching so it is time for Leaf Day! Emily was disappointed that she had to go to school and miss out on jumping time. Julia was disappointed that she was under the weather and her friends couldn’t come and help. But despite the runny nose Julia was a big help to Mama while the leaves were raked.

Daddy ran by the house while Julia was playing in the pile and got some lunchtime hugs!

Running and jumping into the pile is fun! She was very intent to try to build the pile back up before jumping back in. Julia declared that it was Jump Day!

When Emily got off the bus after school she ran into the yard, dropped her backpack on the way, and jumped into the pile. There was plenty of jumping time left before the sun went down.

We had lots of grins all day long!

Julia’s other favorite game of the day was to walk up the mountain. She would walk into the pile while pretending that she was hiking up and over the mountain. Mama called her Bilbo Baggins because it seemed somewhat appropriate that a little person was taking such a big adventure over the mountain. That and we are reading the book together and she would know the reference.
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November 21st, 2009 by

Just some more photos of our fun playdate!
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November 20th, 2009 by

Fall leaves make good piles – good piles make for good fun! We had a morning playdate with the leaves this morning. There was a lot of jumping, wading, dumping, and pushing. The kids enjoyed picking up leaves and dumping them on each other. Kids sure are fun to watch! Thanks Aiden, Elena, and Maeve for coming to play today.
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November 3rd, 2009 by

The leaves were fun to play with, and Julia had to try to taste one. Given the pretty yellow color, I bet it looked tasty.
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October 30th, 2009 by

We took advantage of a beautiful warm Autumn day and the girls and I took a mini-hike. I got some fun photos before the sun went to play behind some clouds. Emily loved the activity of collecting huge leaves. We found a large variety of different leaves and a few sticks. We hiked at Emily’s pace and in the directions of her choice, so we crossed one bridge six times. Both girls were ready for naps when we got back to the car, but sad to be leaving the nice hike.
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December 19th, 2008 by

We needed to move some leaves in our yard, so Emily and I spend a couple of hours outside accomplishing the task while Robby had baby duty. Emily had some toy rakes to help me with, but she liked to use Mommy’s rake. Lucky for me, she didn’t enjoy wrangling the awkward adult rake for long and went to play with other things. More leaves have fallen so I will put her to work again soon.
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