June 1st, 2009 by

After visiting Mayfield Dairy, our favorite dress up toy is the fancy red hairnets. Who knew a hairnet could be so much fun? Even Julia doesn’t seem to mind the look.
Julia has started her babel talking. In addition to squeals and cries she has added ‘ba, ba, ba’. This has confused Emily and she has had several reactions to it. Yesterday’s reaction was to tell me from the back seat, while Julia was giving her ba-ba song, that ‘Sister is saying ba-ba’. Emily told me that sentence over and over again just like Julia’s use of the new sounds. I have explained that Julia is learning how to talk just like Emily does and this is the start. We had better get used to it because we have two girls so we will have lots of talking.
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March 29th, 2009 by

Emily has lots of these kisses for Julia! Emily shows affection for lots of things through kisses. She kisses Mommy, Daddy, sister, dolly, pooh, and even a pair of shoes with fish on the soles.
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January 4th, 2009 by

Emily kissed Elmo – he was giving out kisses to her so she wanted to give one back. Emily does give out hugs and kisses to others, too. Today, she kissed the top of a baby boy’s head in the nursery. She loves to give them to Julia. I have seen her give them to our friend’s dog. Occasionally she gives them to her Mommy and Daddy and they are usually spontaneous and random. She doesn’t give out as many hugs as she does kisses. She has just started coming up to our legs and give them a hug. She gives me hugs to keep me from putting her in bed and she gives them to me at the grocery store from inside the buggy.
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November 22nd, 2008 by

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice for a Sister!
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October 27th, 2008 by

Emily loves to touch, hug, and kiss her little sister. This was Emily’s first opportunity to hold Julia. Her nose nuzzle is so sweet!
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