Our Little Sea Squirts

Our local aquarium has a preschooler program once a month. We try to go once a year to one with our friends. We just got back from one of these programs. This year the class we attended had only our kids in it. The girls didn’t seem to mind the specialized attention. The class was about coral and the animals found in it. They got to color a seahorse craft, hear a story about a clown fish, have a snack, and touch a live starfish. It was fun. After the class we spent time exploring the aquarium. We caught two dive shows and while it was fun to watch the feeding it was really hard to understand the commentary that went with it. I asked the three of the four girls what their favorite thing to do in the aquarium was. Elena said touching the starfish and Emily and Julia both loved the penguin tunnel.
Some other fun things from the day –
- I had told Julia the night before what we were going to do, but told her it was a secret and not to tell Emily. In the morning I asked her if she had told Emily, she put her finger to her lips and said “shhhhh”. She had kept the secret.
- The girls loved loving on McKenzie and Kenzie seemed to like the attention.
- The glass floor in the penguin area and tunnel took some getting used to for Julia. She didn’t want to walk on it at first. Then she had to master crawling on it. She loved standing above a swimming area and watching them swim by.
- Watching the little girls watch the Nemo fish tank. They tried to grab the very recognizable Nemo and Dory fish.
- Going shopping after the aquarium with a bunch of little girls.
Emily touching the starfish. A lot of times she chickens out of things like this when she actually has to do it, but this time she even asked to do it a second (brief) time.
Julia touching the starfish. She was so excited to get to do this like the other girls.
Ms. Jessica teaching the Sea Squirt class.
Little girls discovering the “Nemo” fish tank. I love Maeve’s face of delight.
Big girl friends hanging out in the fish tank.
Julia watching the penguins swimming with McKenzie and Ms. Heather.
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