Devils Tower

Devils Tower is an old “volcano” that had magma push up into the sedimentary rock, but never had enough pressure to erupt. When the molten magma cooled it left these interesting tube like stands of a granite like rock called Phonolite. Over time the surrounding ground eroded away exposing the tower. Devils Tower National Monument is found in Eastern Wyoming. We spent about 3 hours at the park, but much of that was because we used the Jr. Ranger program to help the girls learn about the tower and surrounding environments.
We walked the 1-1/3 mile hike around the base of the tower seeing it from all the sides. We saw two climbers making an assent to the top. We were really proud of the girls for their good attitudes on the hike and Julia’s willingness to keep going. On the walk the girls completed the workbook requirements for becoming Jr. Rangers at the monument. They were very proud and excited to do this. When we left we spent some time watching a colony of prairie dogs and their antics.
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