May 30th, 2014 by

Another year has passed and we are saying goodbye to another grade and teacher. Emily has loved 1st grade and her teacher Ms. Johnson. This year has been full of learning addition and subtraction, learning new words, learning about writing, learning to love reading, and lots of fun time with friends in the classroom. It is fun to watch Emily use all the reading skills she has learned. She reads signs, books, and just about everything else. Now it is time for some fun days with sunshine and sister.

Julia has finished her preschool program. It was two days a week for several hours. Most days were filled with playtime and she enjoyed going with her friend Maeve. After several years of going to the same place, next fall will be really different, but Julia is excited about up-and-coming kindergarten.

Flashback look! My how that little one has grown.

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November 20th, 2012 by

Julia celebrated Thanksgiving at her Camp Faith program. They sang a few songs and represented pilgrims and Indians. Julia and Maeve were pretty subdued during the singing and were not interested in making their boat piece rock. The little program was cute.
After the short performance the kids got to eat a special dinner with their parent. The table cloth was a fun coloring sheet that entertained while we got food arranged. Julia seemed to enjoy herself.
Julia and Maeve picked out their own clothes today and they both had blue and brown outfits. They must have talked on Sunday and coordinated. Ok, maybe that will be what happens in a few years.

The kids in the boat.

The whole class with their teacher.

Julia doing a little coloring while she waited for dinner.
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November 2nd, 2012 by

We got lucky and were responsible for snacks right before Julia’s birthday at her preschool program. Julia got to pick out her party cupcakes at Sam’s. Picking out your own cupcakes for school is a girl tradition at our house. She happily picked Dora.

This is her holding her breath so she would be ready to blow the candle out.

It is always good to celebrate with your friend.

A table full of little kids enjoying snack time.
Dora celebrating Julia’s 4th!
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August 14th, 2012 by

Julia is starting a new pre-school program this year called Camp Faith. This program has a few advantages for us. It is two days a week and it is right at the end of our short street. Today was her first day and she was excited to go and play at “her church” as she calls it.
We got there on time, so there were only two other kids already there. She was quick to sit down and pick out the color of play-dough she wanted. She hardly gave Mama a good-bye before she got involved in her own world of play. Her best friend is also in the class with her this year. The teacher told me that they sat together all day as they changed activities. When I picked her up she was happily digging through a “treasure chest” for a prize. She picked out a Sponge Bob plastic toy that she has taken to calling “Big Bob”. Funny kid.
Because of our close proximity of the church to our house we walked home today. Hopefully this will be something we can make into a habit. The distance seemed pretty short when walking it alone, but once Mama was joined by the 3-1/2 year old it got a bit longer. I bet this distance will shrink each week as we walk it.
It is going to be a great year for her!

Julia out in front of the church with the pretty (and wet) flowers wearing her favorite kitty outfit.

Julia playing with Juno at the beginning of class. Juno lives up the street and two years ago was in the same swim class with Julia. Small world.
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