Time for a New School Year

Summer is drawing to a close and we are looking forward to a new school year. A warmup at the playground was in order. They are excited girls to meet classmates and start school, but today playing on the playground was just fine.
They are sweet sister that love playing with each other.
When you move to third grade you move to a new area on the playground. We went down and tried out the swings. They were pretty great and in the shade.
She told me that she wanted to make just one silly face. There were plenty of silly faces to choose from!
Someone had to show off a bit on the monkey bars. While she looks like she is standing on the ground, she did pause in her swinging to smile for the camera.
Just hanging around
My Brown Eyed Girl!
In first grade you are allowed to use the monkey bars. She wanted to try them out. Her sister had plenty of “helpful” suggestions.
She kind of looks like a genie. Her smile sure has magic.
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