November 30th, 2010 by

We were enjoying our taco dinner at Jolie’s and Julia decided that her olives needed to dance. She put one on each finger and then started waving them around. It was so funny! Who knows if they were to dance or if they were little people who were having a conversation. Whatever it was she was thrilled with them and her little activity.
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November 29th, 2010 by

We hope everyone’s Thanksgiving celebration was wonderful. We spent ours with extended family and great food!
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November 21st, 2010 by

Julia had her two year checkup. She was a little apprehensive about the visit and despite our talking about it before hand, I knew she was going to be a handful. To add to the busyness of the day we also had Emily with us.
Julia did well despite quite a few tears. She has increased in the percentiles and the doctor was very pleased. Her length of 33 3/4 inches places her in the 50th percentile. Her weight at 23 lb. 11 oz measures her around the 12th percentile. In 6 months she has grown 3 lb. 11 oz and 3 1/2 inches. Good job, Julia!
Other highlights are the Doctor’s new beard, princess stickers, and lots of shots. Julia had three and Emily two. I guess they shared in the experience. They both did really well.
Julia’s next checkup is at 2 1/2.
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November 16th, 2010 by

I was folding laundry with my little Julia helper. She was pretty good about leaving the folded laundry piles together. After a while she started pulling out socks and informing me to whom they belonged. Then she tried on one of Robby’s. His ankle socks were knee-high socks on her. She was so proud to wear them around the house for about an hour. Cute stuff! They didn’t stay on for his homecoming.
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November 14th, 2010 by

Maybe one day these stories might be a little embarrassing, but they are so much fun now. Julia is quite capable of doing things for herself and some of those things have to do with diapers. First, she likes to go and fetch her own diapers from the diaper bin. The characters found on the brand of diaper we are getting are all Sesame Street characters. Julia has her favorite. She will take the diapers out of the bin and hunt for Ernie. Who knew that he would be her favorite character? If she can’t find one she will settle with a Cookie Monster or Big Bird. Her least favorite is Elmo, who is the most common character.
Julia is also able to take her diaper off by herself. She will “help” us in the morning by taking her jammies off and her diaper. She can reach the trash can from her crib and will deposit it for us. The other evening she decided she needed to “help” us after we put her to bed. The details aren’t necessary, but she required a jammie and bedding change because of her helpfulness. She is so sweet to help us!
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November 14th, 2010 by

Sometimes when my girls are doing things I wonder if their behavior is just random or a sign of a developmental change. God has granted me my own scientific experiment on this in Emily’s friend Elena. Often, Ashley and I will be sharing stories of our kids’ current antics and find out that the other one is exhibiting the same behavior.
One recent sweet thing they are both doing, independent of each other, is pretending to be babies after their baths. After we give Emily her towel from her bath, she stands wrapped up in it and asks if she can be carried back to the bedroom like a baby. She delights in the baby-like behavior and acting it out. I guess it is hard to grow up and she sometimes wants to be treated like a baby. Sometimes, I miss my Emily baby and am glad to pretend every once in a while to have her back.
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