One Year Checkup

Today was Julia’s one year checkup. She has been pretty fussy lately and the appointment wasn’t any different. She didn’t cry the whole time, but wasn’t her usual happy girl. Julia was not interested in showing off the teeth still hiding in her gums, didn’t like having her finger held or bandaged after the finger prick, and she was simply distraught after having her two injections. And if this wasn’t enough for the Mommy to keep up with – Emily was a bit trying also. I think at one point I was speaking loudly talking to the doctor over two crying voices. We all survived the visit, but maybe next time I will take Julia when Emily is not with us.
The doctor was pleased with how Julia looked and was doing, but noted that she has had a very slight weight gain since her last well visit. Today she weighed 15 lbs 10 oz and was measured at 28 inches long. This amounts to a half a pound weight increase and 3/4 inch longer. We discussed how Julia has become very active in the last three months, teething, still nursing, and how Emily had a similar dip in weight at this age. We decided to put Julia on whole milk and keep her foods the same and see in a month if her weight picks up. It is funny what the difference a second child is to the first. When I learned of Emily’s weight loss I worried and thought a lot about it. This time, it seems like I almost expected it and had a course of action ready. There just isn’t the need to worry and this time I know it.
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