More Cake

Julia has been a lucky girl and has been celebrating her birthday for a week now. I think she has really enjoyed all the attention and yummy snacks. Her first birthday party was in Florida a couple days early. On her actual birthday we had a family dinner out, and the weekend after her birthday we visited a corn maze and pumpkin patch. Each time we celebrated we had either cake or cupcakes. Emily now thinks that we have cupcakes with every meal.
Julia is pretty good at eating cupcakes herself. She starts with playing with the icing and then licking her fingers. Then she picks up the cupcake and puts it into her face and starts chowing down. When the big pieces on the high chair tray are gone, she starts looking for the pieces that have fallen onto the bib, lap, or chair. One time I saw her trying to lick crumbs from her bib straight into her mouth. Too much fun to watch! She has eaten 5 cupcakes and several fork fulls of cake over our three celebrations.
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