Our Marine

Julia is quite mobile now. She has crawled into every room of the house now of her own desire and effort. Emily never knew this much freedom when she was Julia’s age because of baby gates. It appears to be time to put them back up. The two and half year-old Emily will not like the baby gates when they go back up.
Julia’s version of crawling is to mimic a marine crawl. She first learned the arm motions and would crawl based on pulling herself along the ground. Then she learned the leg and hip motions that accompany the crawl. With this crawl I see her peeking around large pieces of furniture as she tries to see what she is missing out on and where the people are. It is really sweet. Who knows if she will ever pull herself up on her knees and crawl in the traditional sense, but this is pretty cute.
As far as what comes next . . . I really haven’t seen her show any interest in pulling up. She is likely to sit up on her own if on a soft surface, but is too busy going somewhere on hard surfaces she hasn’t shown interest yet. She seems to be taking life easy so far. I pretty happy that she is moving slowly. I will miss all this crawling and cute ‘I’m following you’ looks she gives.
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