Thoughts on a Dedication

We dedicated Julia on August 23, 2009 at our church Christ Chapel. The act of dedication a child is not a requirement, but an outgrowth of our absolute reliance upon God to help in the raising of a child. We are so grateful and humbled that God gave us the wonderful gift of Julia. While she is made of pieces of her father and mother, she is her own unique creation. She is already a blessing to her family and will be one to the others she meets in her life.
We surrender her to God. In our own strength we can not be her best parents, we can not protect her from all dangers, we can not teach her heart to love, nor can we order her steps. With God’s strength and wisdom we will nurture, teach, comfort, counsel, direct, discipline, and love Julia. We thank God for making a path for her in the world. For being her companion and never leaving her side, we are eternally grateful.
We commit to remember that Julia is a gift from God and teach her of her Heavenly Father, of the love and salvation of Jesus, and the companionship of the Holy Spirit. We pray that God will give us the strength to do this and that our friends and family will encourage us in our lifelong effort to do so.
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