New Toy

Emily is introducing Julia to one of her toys. Julia is really impressed and watched it spin for a short while. Then she decided that it needed the taste test. Emily didn’t quite understand why Julia was taking away her toy. It was sweet of her to share her toy. Emily is pretty sensitive to Julia’s need for a toy in her hands at all times. This is really taxing for her Mommy when Emily is sick and Julia and her toys are off limits to Emily.
Emily is wearing a shirt with Sebastian the Ibis on it, a gift from Papa. Sebastian is the official mascot of the University of Miami. We have taught Emily to call this shirt Ibis. Some days she will call it Sebastian, but most of the time Ibis. I’m afraid that we taught her to say Sebastian before we taught her to say Smokey. That makes me a bad fan! We will fix this first thing tomorrow when she wakes up.
Before anyone thinks that we have neglected our school, we will point out that baby Emily met Smokey personally. I’m sure she remembers the introduction.
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