April 21st, 2009 by

Julia has reached her 6th month milestone! I know that everyone says it, but time sure goes fast when watching kids. Julia has grown so much faster than Emily seemed to. One sad event that is associated with growing so fast is that Julia is growing out of her clothes. It is so sad to sort the small clothes out of her drawers and say good-bye to them.
Julia is expressing herself more these days and seeming more like a little girl than a baby. She lights up with smiles when she sees Robby. She recognizes him and it makes her so happy. She also smiles when her toys move toward her and tonight when I sat down with a book to read her, her eyes just lit up. Now I wish that I could be impressed with her love of reading or hearing my voice, but she promptly reached for the book and tried to put it in her mouth. The book was about the Gingerbread Man, so instead of running away from all the characters he seemed to be running away from Julia’s gums.
She is moving with purpose now to get toys, grab fingers to chew, to kick her blanket off her feet. She loves to pick her feet up and lift them as high as she can reach and them pound them back down on the mattress over and over again in the morning. It is like her exercise routine. Another trick she seems to have mastered is passing things from hand to hand. I watched her take her pacifier from her left hand and pass it to her right hand and then use her free left hand to reach for something else.
This next month is going to bring even bigger changes for Julia. She will be starting solid food soon and we will be moving her into her room with Emily soon. I have been a little up-in-the-air about the details, but we will be learning what does and doesn’t work soon. The move is going to be necessary because she is just outgrowing her cradle. Then next thing I know we will be celebrating her birthday. Thank goodness for journaling and photo taking so that I can remember all of these wonderful things.
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April 20th, 2009 by

I would have loved for Emily and Elena to look at the camera, but then they wouldn’t be two. This photo turned out sweet anyway.
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April 18th, 2009 by

We spent a fun day with our play friends playing with tulips and strollers. We took a walk and lots of photos with the tulips at Crescent Bend, then went downtown to hangout and see the Dogwood Arts Festival booths. We played a few minutes past lunch and then crashed in the car on the way home.
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April 14th, 2009 by
Another silly story – Emily has figured out when her nose is running and it bothers her. She will go and get a tissue from the box, wipe her nose, and then throw away the tissue. We just have to watch how many tissues she uses at one time. She gets a little excited and grabs a bunch. She loves this independent action for herself.
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April 13th, 2009 by

I don’t know what the Easter Bunny looked like at your house, but ours was a really sweet baby bunny. Julia’s first Easter was not too different from her other days. She napped, ate, and played just like usual. She just did them at church and at Grammy and Granddaddy’s house. She watched Emily play and got passed to a few extra arms to be held.
For being mid-April this Easter should have been a warm one, but it had a little coolness to the day. So in finding a sweater for Julia I found one that was mine. Grammy found a photo of me in this same sweater. I thought the sweater helps makes the bunny look.
We are really blessed with our little one. Happy First Easter Julia!
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April 12th, 2009 by

We enjoyed our day of Easter celebration. What a joyful time of remembering the hope that we have in Christ and the redemption He has provided for us! My heart is lightened!
Emily seemed to really enjoy spending the day with people and Julia’s first Easter was filled with napping and playing everywhere we went. After church we ate lunch, took a nap, hunted Easter eggs, watched Emily eat way too much sugar, visited, ate again, and then had bedtime. Emily’s eggs were filled with gummy snacks and chick & bunny shaped marshmallows. Yummy!!
Posted in Emily Pics, Julia Pics |
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