Baby Photos

Last month, it was time to do the ultrasound and try to determine the baby’s gender. Unfortunately, the baby, which we’ve affectionately named Raspberry until we come up with a real name, was asleep and didn’t want to cooperate (by that, I mean wake up), so we have had to wait since then before we can try again. Our next attempt to discover the baby’s gender will be next Tuesday.

Hand, originally uploaded by Robby Edwards.
3D ultrasound of our baby’s hand.
Foot, originally uploaded by Robby Edwards.
3D ultrasound of our baby’s foot.
Profile & Arm, originally uploaded by Robby Edwards.
3D ultrasound of our baby’s face in profile partially blocked by its arm.
Two Feet, Legs Crossed, originally uploaded by Robby Edwards.
3D ultrasound of our baby’s two feet, and its legs are crossed.
Ribs, originally uploaded by Robby Edwards.
3D ultrasound of our baby’s ribs.
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