September 20th, 2006 by
We are going to have a girl!
She was very cooperative today, and moved around quite a bit. She even started to suck on her hand while we watched. It was also amazing to see how much development occurred during the past month.
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September 17th, 2006 by
The early part of pregnancy brings many wonders and excitements, but it is problematic when you don’t have a name to call your little bundle of wonder. At first we just referred to the baby as “the baby” and used the impersonal “it”. When I told a friend of the baby and likened the baby to the size of a raspberry, she just started calling the baby by the name of Raspberry and it stuck. The small thing of a name has brought even more joy to the expectation of child that will come. I think that even after we find out if the baby will be a boy or girl the nickname of Raspberry will last at least until the birth if not longer.
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September 14th, 2006 by
Last month, it was time to do the ultrasound and try to determine the baby’s gender. Unfortunately, the baby, which we’ve affectionately named Raspberry until we come up with a real name, was asleep and didn’t want to cooperate (by that, I mean wake up), so we have had to wait since then before we can try again. Our next attempt to discover the baby’s gender will be next Tuesday.
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September 13th, 2006 by
Well, we finally got our act together and set up this blog for our (soon to be) little bundle of joy. Better late than never!
Welcome and feel free to participate in the poll to the left. You can vote as often as you like; there’s no penalty for ballot stuffing here! Go ahead and make your guess(es) about whether we will be having a boy or a girl. We go for another ultrasound next Tuesday, so the polls will be open until then (hopefully).
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