August 28th, 2009 by

Classic kid stuff! One of Emily’s classic phrases we are hearing now days – “I do it, myself”. It is really cute and a good description of her current state of mind. The longer I hear it, the more she means it. Today, she literally ran me out of the bathroom, so that, she could potty and ‘do it, myself’. In the end, she did do it herself. I guess this is just the first step of my letting her go.
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December 13th, 2008 by

I thought that it would be fun to make a list of all the words that Emily has been using. I made the list at the beginning of her 22nd month, while she has added more words since then I am going to keep the list as it was at that point. Emily has a lot to say, but a lot of it comes out as babble. Her words consist of the beginning of the word and if lucky two consonants. The back half of words, additional syllables, and ending consonants are usually dropped completely. Of the babble that Mommy can translate these are the words she is saying:
mama, da (daddy), sister, julia, hi, hey, bye-bye, night-night, eat (will also sign), thank you, please (will also sign), yes, yeah, no, on, off, up, down (will also sign), nana (banana), lid, knock-knock, pee-pee (will also sign by patting diaper), milk (will also sign), juice (will also sign), phone, teeth, hot, cold, purple, pink, kitty, doggie, k / ok, shoe, help, backpack, map
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