Happy Valentines Day

Sweet hugs, big smiles, special Mom-Emily time at school, fun family together day! Happy Valentines Day!
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Sweet hugs, big smiles, special Mom-Emily time at school, fun family together day! Happy Valentines Day!
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Both girls got to spend their Valentine’s day with friends and sharing cards. They both opted for simple cards for friends. Julia decorated each with a sticker. Emily carefully wrote each name on her cards all by herself. She did a great job organizing by boy/girl cards and double checking to be sure no one was missed.
They both were up early and Julia’s greeting for both of her parents was a valentine’s greeting. She had made a drawing for each of us the day before and presented it to us as our card. It was very sweet. Emily loved going to school early to put valentine’s cards in teacher boxes.
Our family party will involve strawberry pancakes and strawberry milkshakes. Yum! Hopefully it will be a hit without a tummy ache.
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We met up with our friends on Valentine’s Day for a playdate. It was a cool and rainy day so we chose a warm and active option instead. Our friend Lincoln introduced us to Gym Bugs and the girls fell in love (with Gym Bugs, not Lincoln – hee hee). They asked to go back immediately. It is a great place to work off our extra energy. Basically they have a room filled with interactive toys and gym equipment pieces for the kids to play with. The girls loved playing and then when we were done we got lunch at Chick-fil-a together. It was a great way to spend the day – with other little people we love.
I think the big kids were pretending to be chickens while they bounced. The little one was just loving bouncing and playing.
Emily found these fruit bins and fruit to sort. She played with them the whole time sorting them, resorting them, moving them, and finally cleaning them up. She did do other things, but always came back to them. Such a serious girl.
The less serious side of Emily. She seemed to love being in flight.
You have to love the serious face on Kenzie. What a silly girl! She had a blast.
They have this rollercoaster for the kids to ride. I would have thought it gimmicky in a catalog, but in person it is pretty cool and the kids love it. They were so good to share and put the car back for the next kids. Julia’s turn was next – can you see her excitement?
Julia’s turn!!!!! That is one happy kid.
What could anyone want more for Valentine’s day than a hug from Maeve.
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Our Valentine’s Day was a beautiful, sunny and breezy day. It was still cool enough that you wanted to be in the sun, but warm enough you wanted to be outside! For all the snow and cold we had this winter, an early spring was really wonderful to enjoy. We spent the morning at the Knoxville Botanical Garden in our special “Secret Garden”. The kids drank up the sun and loved moving around.
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Mommy put the girls in red to celebrate Valentine’s Day and then tried to get photos of the girls. Neither were interested in posing for photos. So we have what we have. Emily stole her Granddaddy’s hat and consented to look in the direction of the camera. We thought that she looked like a rock star with the hat, arms, and attitude.
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