Birthday Tea party

The girls celebrated their birthdays (Emily 8 – January, Julia 6 – October) in another joint party. It did not take too much convincing to get them to agree to a tea party with their favorite dolls and friends. The party was at a local shop that specializes in this type of party. It involved dress-up time including a quick hair up-do and accessories, a photo shoot, tea party, birthday treats, and gift time. The party was a lot of fun. The girls loved it and their mama loved it. The party’s theme was inspired by the movie Frozen.
Emily’s chosen look for her and her "Emily" doll. Her dress was white with blue/green accents, blue/green gloves and boa, and white heeled shoes.
Julia’s chosen look was all pink. Every item was pink with the exception of the clear shoes that lit-up with each step. The friend she brought with her was her Minnie Mouse.
This was a place setting for each girl. The doll friends each got a table setting too. The Olaf dessert was the special touch the girls picked for the party. The tea was pink lemonade.
Our table filled with seven lovely princesses waiting for the birthday wishes to be made. Thanks friends for joining us and making the party such a success!
Princess Emily checking out her new look.
Princess Julia taking good care of her special friend, Minnie.
The girls finishing the party off with holding court with their gifts.
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