The Flu Comes To Our House

We made it all the way to April, but the flu came to visit our house. Julia made friends with the flu bug first. We didn’t figure it out soon enough for her to get the special medication. Later in the week Robby also caught it. It made sense because she clung to him for two days straight while she didn’t feel well. After a tough week we thought we were clear, but the next week brought Emily down with it. Luckily her diagnosis came quicker and she was able to get the special medication that makes recovery come so much easier. Honestly it seems like an illness that you just have to survive through, but we were blessed to see God’s hand through the two weeks and how he provided for us. Things just worked out so that we could meet obligations that were required. The biggest blessing was the Mama was able to remain flu-free. We have much to be thankful for!
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