April 22nd, 2013 by

Emily read her homework book to Julia. They started it on their own and it was quite a sweet moment. We love that Emily has this gift she can share with Julia. On a side note, see the shoe on the chair. The shoelaces were tied in that pretty bow by Emily. She had to learn to tie shoes on Mama’s shoes because she is still a size away from her first pair of shoe laced sneakers. But she did it and is quite proud of her new skill!
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October 27th, 2012 by

Julia is sure of what she likes. At the moment she LIKES these shoes. She has been pulling them out and wearing them with whatever outfit she is wearing. There are times Mama would pick different shoes because black shoes don’t really go with everything, but sometimes not all battles have to be won.
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August 3rd, 2010 by

Shoes are definitely loved at our house! Julia cleaned up the shoes in the living room by grouping Emily’s shoes next to the baby doll’s shoes. Maybe the doll is a member of our family.
Some of the funny things about shoes at our house are that Julia gets very excited at the idea of wearing shoes. She has a distinct opinion of what shoes she wants to wear. She brings Mommy’s shoes to her all day long if they aren’t being worn. She escorts her Daddy to remove his shoes every day. I think it is her way of making him stay home after a day of him being away. And lastly, she loves to dress her doll with shoes.
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May 2nd, 2010 by

I can remember playing in my mother’s closet and my favorite shoes to pull out and try on were her high heels. Emily discovered mine in the closet and couldn’t decide if I should wear them that day or if she should. As it turned out neither of us did. I think we both had a good time with her discovery of my shoes.
Emily is also showing off the stickers that she had stuck to herself the previous day. I think it was her way of having bandaids like her sister had. Julia’s bandaids were easier to take off than Emily’s stickers. She enjoyed looking at them and showing them off until we removed them.
Posted in Emily Pics |
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