April 22nd, 2009 by

I know this photo looks like just any other tummy photo, but this one is special – Julia did it herself! What a big girl to roll herself over. The most special part was that she did it when both Mommy and Daddy could watch.
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April 7th, 2009 by
I wish I had photos, but I was too caught up in the moment – Julia rolled over from her tummy to back today three times like she had been doing it forever. After I put her back on her tummy the fourth time, she decided that she was over it and fussed until I turned her over. I know it isn’t fair, I rewarded her monumental event by putting her back on her tummy. I also rewarded her by praising her and clapping for her. She did smile and laugh a lot during the first three rolls. She is so close to rolling from her back to her tummy. Wouldn’t it be funny if she figured them both the same day?
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August 8th, 2007 by

(6 months) Emily is just bursting with delight with a secret that she won’t share. She is still getting stuck on her tummy and not rolling back over onto her backside. Last night she did roll back over by accident. Maybe it is the start of her doing it on purpose. Maybe that is her secret. 🙂
Posted in Emily Pics |
June 25th, 2007 by
Emily has learned a new trick. She can roll on to her tummy, though she hasn’t figured out how to roll back on to her backside. She doesn’t like being on her tummy for too long, so she gets crabby, once she realizes the pickle she’s gotten herself into.
Rachelle took this photo while Emily was demonstrating her new trick and was still pleased with her accomplishment.
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