Puddle Jumping

Emily and I went out to play before it got dark on our rainy evening. We hadn’t gotten to spend much time together one-on-one today and I thought a little play time outside in the drizzle was in order. Emily fetched her favorite toys to carry around while we are outside, the kid rake and hose nozzle. Then she got busy looking for puddles. This one is right by our front porch. She was a careful puddle jumper, actually no jumping happened, as she held on to the railing next to the steps for additional support. The stuff which looks like snow in our yard is really Bradford Pear petals that have covered our yard. It is like snow with out the cold weather. By the time we came back inside we had walked around our yard and found more puddles, picked some flowers, and helped Mommy with two chores. We had a great time getting damp, muddy, and spending time together.
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