March 1st, 2010 by

I picked up a few new storage boxes for toys and got them out to fill them. Instead the girls filled them with fun play. I think these boxes were worth an hour of play alone. It was cute to watch the girls play together in their own boxes.
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November 21st, 2009 by

Just some more photos of our fun playdate!
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November 20th, 2009 by

Fall leaves make good piles – good piles make for good fun! We had a morning playdate with the leaves this morning. There was a lot of jumping, wading, dumping, and pushing. The kids enjoyed picking up leaves and dumping them on each other. Kids sure are fun to watch! Thanks Aiden, Elena, and Maeve for coming to play today.
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November 16th, 2009 by

We played this morning in our pj’s. The girls sure like to play together and both were uninterested in looking at the camera. Julia is interested in anything that Emily has or wants. Julia will chase Emily around the room trying to play with her. Emily knows that she can get up on the chair or the couches to escape Julia’s hands. Emily was trying to give Julia a hat for the photo by placing a toy on her head.
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November 7th, 2009 by

I was lucky to watch Emily play Doctor with Julia as they played together. It was mesmerizing and I was lucky to get any photos of it because I didn’t want to disturb their play. As I watched them play, Emily measured Julia’s head size, took her temperature under her arm, gave her a shot on her arm, looked in her ear, and then listened to her heart. When she held the stethoscope to her chest she said ‘thump, thump’. For the most part Julia stood and allowed Emily to perform the various doctor tasks. At one point Emily told Julia not to cry, I wondered if the shot was coming next.
The only problem in the play was that Julia wanted to help herself to the doctor kit and Emily wasn’t in a sharing mood. We temporarily solved the problem by giving Julia a phone so that she could call the doctor to entertain her hands. I guess Emily has been to the doctor a few times.
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August 25th, 2009 by

Emily discovered that she liked to play with a cold pack. This is somewhat problematic because it warms up pretty quickly, takes a while to re-cool, and we only have one. In a moment of inspiration I discovered some frozen colored ice treats in the freezer.
We didn’t open them, but each girl got a colored frozen stick to play with and chew on. I’m going to keep them handy for days filled with teething pain. The girls seemed to really enjoy playing the same game together and swapped them at one point.
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