December 5th, 2011 by

The photo is a bit fuzzy, but Emily was driving the camera. Julia had been playing dress-up as a cow and it was naptime. She got a ride on Mama to her nap. So sweet.
Julia is great about naptime. She recently figured out how to climb into the pack-n-play all by herself. She flops in pretty hard, but is so pleased she can do it all by herself. She will stop at the bedroom door and say ‘bye-bye”, close the door, and put herself down. This happens most days – some days she has to be put down while crying and screaming. She does that for a few minutes until she gives up, but that isn’t as cute; so why remember it.
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July 23rd, 2010 by

How does play and naptime mix? Well on this day, it was a princess nap. After she fell asleep in the carseat her crown fell over her eyes. I couldn’t let this one pass me up.
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June 16th, 2010 by

This is what the Mommy found when she went in to check on the child who was supposed to be napping. She informed me that it was a road for her cars to drive down. We are trying the nap again, but with the conversations and songs that I hear through the monitor I don’t think we will be having a nap today.
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April 17th, 2010 by

Emily has not been interested in taking naps lately. Today there was a lot of noise coming from her room. When I went in to check on what it was, this is what I found. I took her creation as a sign that she was unwilling to take a nap. At least I got a good laugh out of it.
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November 22nd, 2009 by

Julia has been wanting to take naps a little early lately. Here she checked out after she finished her breakfast. I put her in her bed and she didn’t even stir.
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August 21st, 2009 by

Sometimes it is hard to decide what you want to do – play or sleep. While Emily was napping, Julia was playing with Emily’s giant lego blocks. She had so much fun playing with them she decided to take a quick nap. How cute is this? Well, cute enough for me to snap some photos and then move her to a safe, dark, quiet location. I didn’t want her to roll onto a block in her sleep.
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