May 29th, 2015 by

The end of school is finally here … is it really here? The girls have had a great year and will actually miss school over the summer. They love interacting with their classmates most, but they do love to learn.

Emily has loved her teacher. Ms Racey has things organized in her class with cute and clever labels. This fits well with Emily’s personality. While she wants order, she allows Emily to express her opinions and is patient to listen to Emily’s stories. Emily always has something to say in class. The class reads a book together after lunch. When Emily figured out we had a copy of one of the books at home, she had to read ahead.

Several students and friends in her class have moved away during the year and this has been a sad thing. Change is a hard thing. Emily has continued to be my rule follower. The fact that not everyone follows the rules still bothers her. If she could police it and change the world (or at least her class) she would.

Julia has enjoyed her teacher and class. She is also a rule follower in class. During the first few months of school, all she would talk about after school was who got in trouble in class. She was a world class people watcher. Figuring it all out was important to her. It was so important that she had trouble staying focused on her tasks, although this improved throughout the year. She made several friends in her class. Mama wishes she could be a fly on the wall in the class sometime to see how Julia interacts in class. When she is in the hall she is quiet and always in line.

Ms Brinkman sends home lots of crafts that they have done in class. Julia loves to put lots of detail into her work. As the year has gone on we have seen Julia start to get the idea of reading. It has been fun to watch. She will continue to read with Grammy to speed up her reading and retention. She had spent most of the year behind in her reading, but as school finishes up she is reading at grade level.

We could not be more proud of the citizens that the girls are in their classes. We are pleased with their love of learning. Humbled by Emily’s passion for reading. Joyful at Julia’s new experiences. Thankful for the friendship and mentoring that occurred this year. Pleased that Mama got to spend so much time in Emily’s class and got to know the kids. And grateful that we are on this journey with the girls!

Now, lets have some fun and play for the whole summer!
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May 30th, 2014 by

Another year has passed and we are saying goodbye to another grade and teacher. Emily has loved 1st grade and her teacher Ms. Johnson. This year has been full of learning addition and subtraction, learning new words, learning about writing, learning to love reading, and lots of fun time with friends in the classroom. It is fun to watch Emily use all the reading skills she has learned. She reads signs, books, and just about everything else. Now it is time for some fun days with sunshine and sister.

Julia has finished her preschool program. It was two days a week for several hours. Most days were filled with playtime and she enjoyed going with her friend Maeve. After several years of going to the same place, next fall will be really different, but Julia is excited about up-and-coming kindergarten.

Flashback look! My how that little one has grown.

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June 4th, 2013 by

The school year is over and the little girl we sent to school so many months ago is now an accomplished kindergartener. We have enjoyed talking to her about the first days of school and all the things she learned this year. We are thankful for the experiences she has had this year. She was blessed with a teacher that Emily loved and who seemed able to find ways to get Emily to perform for her. Emily made friends in her class and enjoyed the class mix with only few exceptions.
We look forward to the adventures this summer will bring us and trying to keep her mind active. A new school year does not seem as overwhelming as sending her to kindergarten was. Perhaps we all have grown this past year.

Maybe our hair is a bit longer . . . but the head cocking, lip chewing, and outgoingly shy girl is still there.

One of Mama’s favorite sights from the school year. The slow walking Emily turning and giving Mama a kiss as she goes into school. Some days it was a wave, a kiss, the sign I Love You, or just a thoughtful look.

Julia loved to accompany Emily to the school building whenever she could. It was the way she could relate to Emily’s school experience. On the last day she insisted that Emily take her doll in for sharing time.

School is OUT – She is an official 1st Grader

To celebrate in style we shared some ice cream at a local soda shop. The girls loved sitting at the counter. The lady making Emily’s milkshake was certain that the girls would share the milkshake. We didn’t share and Emily drank the whole thing!
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