May 26th, 2010 by

Despite the hat being for a smaller person, Emily decided that she loved this Moose hat. She had to wear it to bed the other night. She was quite proud as seen in the sparkle of her eye.
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May 31st, 2009 by

We bought a hat for Emily which she likes, but it can also fit Julia. She was modeling it for us and looking sweet. We will have to buy her own hat.
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December 18th, 2007 by
Oak Ridge, TN, November 2007
Emily has taken to collection things, like the leaves in this photo. Rachelle and I call them her treasures. Once she has a treasure in her little hands she doesn’t like to give it up easily.
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December 13th, 2007 by
Oak Ridge, TN, November 2007
A couple of weeks ago, Rachelle took Emily out to play in the leaves which had fallen in our yard. Next year, we’ll probably let her jump in the big piles of leaves after we rake them up.
By the way, Emily also has a shiny set of new front teeth. Her lower two front teeth have come in, after a relatively short bout of teething related fussiness. She doesn’t quite know what to make of them. She keeps rubbing her tongue over them as if to check that they are still there.
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December 8th, 2007 by

(10 months) We had a string of bright temperate days after our leaves had started to accumulate in our yard. I decided that it was time for Emily to be introduced to the fun of playing in the leaves. She was so satisfied to just sit in the leaves and touch them. She had found so many treasures to look at, touch, and sometimes taste. These days are such simple days of joy for us! Next year I will rake the leaves into a pile and let her jump into them. I might even join her.
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July 24th, 2007 by

Mommy and Daddy took me on a hike around Cades Cove. I got to wear my pretty blue hat while we were out that day. Not only did I look cute, but the sun stayed out of my eyes. The hat brings out the my pretty blue eyes.
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