Our Kids' Blog

Beautiful Fall Morning at the Pumpkin Patch

October 18th, 2014 by Mommy


We enjoyed a beautiful and a bit muddy morning at the pumpkin patch. The girls love the extra fun games that go with the maze and pumpkin patch. They rode the slide and bounced a lot. It is a wonder they had energy to do anything else. We did half of the big maze with the girls taking turns leading the way. Each girl searched the pumpkin patch for the perfect pumpkin. Emily wanted a small one and Julia wanted one she could carry. The sun shined on us and a breeze kept us cool. It was a perfect way to spend the morning with Grandma and Grandpa.

bigchair  bouncingbouncingpair  bravingthemudchildstalk  cornstalkempumpkin  fallbeautiesfieldofpumpkins  gettingapunchsittinginapipe  jupumpkinleaping  papabearchairpumpkingirls  rollinggirls

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A Day At The Everglades

October 3rd, 2013 by Mommy


We wanted to see the Everglades during the summer when it is the rainy season, so we took the shuttle ride in Shark Valley. Because of the extra water in the Everglades the alligators were more spread out and were not easy to see, although we saw a young one by the road and one large one by the observation tower. The biggest difference from our previous visit was that it rained while we were on our tour. The large open spaces allowed us to see several rain clouds around us while we were riding which gave the day its own unusual beauty.


It was a bit breezy for the ride. Sitting with the grandparents made it lots of fun. Grandma shared her camera with the girls to take some photos. Who knows what photographic masterpieces she ended up with.


At the half way point of the tram ride there is an observation tower that we climbed to take a good look at the scenery. Emily decided to have a one-girl race to the top. She won.


The girls took a minute and stopped moving to check out the view.


This is the alligator who greeted us at the observation tower stop. He had found his lunch of a turtle. We watched him for a few minutes from a safe distance and then went to look at other views. After we got to the other side of the road the alligator threw the turtle into the air and grabbed it back as it fell. It is almost like he was showing off for the visitors. We were glad the girls missed the excitement.


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Faces and Faces and Faces

August 8th, 2011 by Mommy

A vacation can be measured many ways. This trip was about little people and fun play times. It will be measured by the messages found in faces. Our trip via silly faces, sticking tongues out, messy hair, being wet, laughter, thinking, sleeping, being together, wind blown, sun baked, toy chewing and sandy.


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Grandparents Go Home

June 20th, 2011 by Mommy


The grandparents had to go home. We let them go, but not without a little guilt. The day they left Julia didn’t have much to do with them. It wasn’t from not liking them, it was because they were leaving. It was a moody pout. Emily enjoyed the “one last” game – one last kiss, one last hug . . . We will be seeing them in a month or so.

Every time we are together the Mama attempts a photo of the girls with their Grandparents. It is always quite a bit of work to get a shot. All the traditional posed photos either had someone not looking at the camera or very serious faces. We don’t live in the early part of the century when that was cool, so we are opting for the absolute silly photo instead. Enjoy the fun of the moment!

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June 18th, 2011 by Mommy

Just a fun one. Grandpa was willing to play a little dress-up with Emily.


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Old McDonald Miniature Golf

June 18th, 2011 by Mommy

When we asked Emily what she wanted to do with her Grandparents she said she wanted to play putt-putt. Julia loved the idea too (she loves to say the word too). We had time after dinner to stop and try our hands at a little miniature golf. We played pretty fast. We worked to keep the game moving and the girls interested. I hope one day in the future we will be able to go slow and enjoy the competition, but for the time being this is best. The girls hung in for all of the holes and over the time Emily showed more interest in playing consistently and with a little technique.

Just a few fun highlights from the game:

  • Both girls enjoyed getting their ball in the holes.
  • Emily would move the ball to where she wanted to hit it from.
  • Julia had a special high-five she shared with her Daddy when each hole was completed.
  • Daddy’s feet made great bunkers to help guide little balls.
  • On occasion we would have a ball leave the putting area, but none of the times was it the girl’s fault.
  • If we had really kept score Grandpa would have won. He played the most consistent game.
  • We had a great time together!


Emily was talking Grandma to the hole. She wasn’t giving instructions she was just being her usual magpie-self.


A great Pa-Pa grin.


Sweet Daddy giving his little girl some assistance. Julia insisted in holding her putter backwards like this the whole time.


Mama giving a little putting lesson to Emily. By this point in the game she was listening to instructions a little better.


The classic well earned high-five exchange!


A little post-golf ride at the barnyard.

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