October 14th, 2009 by

Wow! What a difference one week makes. Last week Julia realized that she could pull up onto small objects. From that small movement she learned an easier way to sit up on her own. Then a couple of days later she figured out how to pull up to her feet. Yesterday, she walked along the edge of the couch and used Mommy’s leg to climb up into a chair. And today she discovered that she could sit by Emily’s storage drawers and open the bottom drawer and get stuff out all by herself.
So much, so quickly! I knew it was time for her to pull up and become more mobile, but I really was shocked at her desire to climb. Emily was never a climber and it appears that Julia might have a little of it in her. I wonder what she will learn to do this evening.
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April 22nd, 2009 by

I know this photo looks like just any other tummy photo, but this one is special – Julia did it herself! What a big girl to roll herself over. The most special part was that she did it when both Mommy and Daddy could watch.
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April 22nd, 2009 by

Emily is ready to eat dinner in her new booster seat at the table and be like her parents. Her old high chair is behind her, and she didn’t even give it a second look. We put the step stool next to her seat, so she could get in it herself, and we found her in it several times that evening. I guess reading books on the table is more fun.
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April 7th, 2009 by
I wish I had photos, but I was too caught up in the moment – Julia rolled over from her tummy to back today three times like she had been doing it forever. After I put her back on her tummy the fourth time, she decided that she was over it and fussed until I turned her over. I know it isn’t fair, I rewarded her monumental event by putting her back on her tummy. I also rewarded her by praising her and clapping for her. She did smile and laugh a lot during the first three rolls. She is so close to rolling from her back to her tummy. Wouldn’t it be funny if she figured them both the same day?
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December 20th, 2008 by

Julia has started to smile and express herself in ways that do not involve fussing or crying. If you get close to her and start talking in an animated way – out pops a grin and smile. It is so much fun! I tried to teach Emily to play peek-a-boo with her yesterday, but Emily didn’t quite get the consept of doing it to entertain Julia. When Emily understands that Julia is smiling because of something that she did, we will not be able to stop Emily from being a ham.
Julia is learning to use her arms and neck. She will reach out for a toy that catches her eye. This morning Julia decided that she wanted to wake us up and play. Today is Robby’s first day of his Christmas break, so I decided to let him sleep in and got up to play with Julia. I held her ‘sitting up’ on my lap, which is one of her favorite positions, and enterained her with her rattle. She would reach out and touch the rattle and bob her head in excitement. I guess it was some of her first multi-tasking, she had to move her neck while at the same time move her arms. It was hard work because she needed to take a nap.
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January 16th, 2008 by

With Emily’s first birthday I have been thinking a lot on what has changed and happened this past year. We have had so many firsts this year which remind us what a blessing from God that Emily has been for us. We waited and He provided.
Over this past year she got to see snow, the beach, two oceans, mountains, zoo animals, Lady Vols basketball games, and many family members. She was able to experience swimming, flying in an airplane, riding in a boat, riding a street car, sharing her joy through her smile with countless people, seeing many sights from a front pack, and traveling to and through a lot of states. She has learned to hold up her head, smile, laugh, roll over, sit up, crawl, stand up, hold a bottle, eat solid food, feed herself, communicate with mommy and daddy, and the beginnings of walking.
While these things are not unique things for the first year of a newborn, it has been so significant in our lives. We have seen a new creation start the cycle of growing, learning, and then changing to just start it over again with growing. As Robby and I have taken such joy in watching this cycle in Emily, our Heavenly Father has taken the same delight in us. As I grow and learn and look to God to teach me, I find myself changing and starting the cycle again.
Emily looks to me to teach and guide her, to comfort and sooth her. As I fulfill my role for Emily all I can do is to imitate what God does for me and pray that He guides me. We are grateful for our blessing and look forward to the next year of wonder and the new firsts we will see in her.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~ Matthew 19:14
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