Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Our Kindergartener celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday today. The instruction was to wear wacky clothes and hair. Emily chose her clothes, but they turned out more well accessorized than wacky. For her wacky hair we tried out several hairstyles last night and ended up with this variation. It was involved, but she vetoed the crazy Mama ideas. She seemed to enjoy Dr. Seuss’s birthday celebration although not many kids participated in the crazy clothes and no one else had a Seuss themed lunch.
We sent a little girl to school and home came a cat. It was awesome to go through the pickup line and pick up the face painted cat.
Our fun hairstyle. Please, no one mention to her that it is a cheerleader hairstyle. Her hair wasn’t quite long enough to get the pony tail on the tip-top of her head.
The themed lunch – a green egg (the color didn’t show up well in the photo), ham, colorful sprinkles in the apple sauce for a party theme, chocolate goldfish, hat themed fruit on a stick, and a pickle sign post for the places she’ll go.
Why make one lunch when you can make two at the same time. Julia enjoyed her Seuss themed lunch too.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
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