February 25th, 2013 by

Emily is officially more than a handful of years now. What a blessing our big girl has been in our lives. We are thankful and grateful for her. She was looking forward to this birthday a lot. We kept teasing her that she could have two years at five and then skip up to seven, but she wasn’t interested.

Her first party of the day was at school. Her class sang to her and made her feel special. Then for lunch Mama ate with her. We shared blue iced cookies with her class. Then that evening we had a family party. She chose to eat Chinese in town for her birthday dinner. Then after dinner we opened gifts and had cupcakes. Her favorite gifts were a Merida dress-up dress and ballet classes.

Her assorted gifts and little mini-Emily figure that comes out every birthday.

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November 2nd, 2012 by

We got lucky and were responsible for snacks right before Julia’s birthday at her preschool program. Julia got to pick out her party cupcakes at Sam’s. Picking out your own cupcakes for school is a girl tradition at our house. She happily picked Dora.

This is her holding her breath so she would be ready to blow the candle out.

It is always good to celebrate with your friend.

A table full of little kids enjoying snack time.
Dora celebrating Julia’s 4th!
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September 11th, 2010 by

The girls enjoyed a princess cupcake party. We celebrated the joy of eating cupcakes and dressing up as princesses. The girls were really excited to play and eat their cupcakes. What could be better than cupcakes with pink icing. Our current lesson is that playing princess is fun, but what makes a princess is someone who is kind and good.
Thanks Ashley for the idea!
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