Today was the day that Julia discovered she could climb out of her crib. She has climbed out of the pack-n-play for a couple of days now, and she must have decided that the crib was possible too. This morning, Mommy heard several unusual noises coming from the girls’ bedroom and decided to wait and see what happened. Sure enough, in a few minutes a little person was opening the door with a grin across her face. Emily and Mommy praised her accomplishment and we took her back in to re-create the accomplishment. Julia was pleased to show off her new skill which she was still perfecting.
We were playing in the girls room and Emily discovered that she could check on Julia for Mommy. If she could figure out how to climb in with Julia, she would. This week, Emily also discovered that she could climb into her own crib with the side down. She didn’t think she could crawl out after she got in, so we kept playing the game with Mommy taking her out and she would climb in again.
Julia isn’t sleeping in her big bed yet, but we are starting to use it for a play space. We want both Julia to get used to her crib and Emily used to having Julia share the room. I thought the photo was a sweet photo of Julia. Once she gets a little mobile I will clean out the bed, but right now it is a combo of a play place and storage of toys.
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