February 6th, 2009 by

A little pre-bedtime sugar cookie making with Mommy and Emily. The process was supposed to be roll, sugar, and smush. Emily loved to say roll for all of the steps. The balls she made were pretty good until she had them made and then stuck her fingers into them. The sugar step involves touching the cup bottom into the sugar, only Emily thought that it was better to coat her fingers with sugar. Then the last step was to smush the dough ball with the cup and that was Emily’s most successful step. I am mistaken to say that any of these steps were Emily’s favorite steps because eating the cookie was really her favorite.
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January 28th, 2009 by

Emily has been asking to ‘Help Mama’ at almost everything I do. She will climb up and get Julia a fresh diaper or fetch wipes. Today I asked her to bring me one tissue, she went and pulled two out of the box and managed to put one back in and brought the one to me. She also wants to load and unload the dishwasher. I caught her trying to pick up Julia to bring her to me for a feeding. It was really sweet, but not so safe for Julia.
Another antic that she has added just recently is to ask to ‘Sing’. This can mean to literally sing, but also to dance, or just to listen to music. Before this she has enjoyed these activities, but didn’t ask for them by name. Along with singing games she has started playing hide & seek with her Daddy while Mommy finishes dinner and playing Simon-says with Emily making the movements. She finds the last really funny and giggles as we imitate her. This evening she delighted herself with spinning around until she was so dizzy she fell down, then she would get up and do it again and again. She also figured out how to lay on the ottoman, scoot off head first, do a modified headstand, and then sometimes flip over and other times just fall off. The last thing for this post is her climbing out of her crib. She still is sleeping in her crib and we are not taking her out until we need her to be out or she climbs out. She has started to throw her leg over the top edge while I’m in the room and the side is down. Today I asked her if she had enough guts to go ahead and climb out, she looked at me and said ‘Help’.
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