Christmas Cookies

We were invited to a cookie party at the Humphries. What is Christmas holiday without some cookie baking and decorating? What had a great time playing with dough, making the dough into cookie patters, decorating cookies, baking cookies, and eating the finished product. The girls were a bit shy at first. Once some of their little friends showed up and they got to know the big boys they were all for the fun.
Emily getting her dough ready for cookies!
Such a serious girl checking out the dough.
Getting the dough ready for rolling with Mama.
Rolling, rolling, rolling . . . Check out the excited girl in background.
So many cookie cutters to choose from! Wait, where did the glass slipper cutter come from?
Aiden hanging with the big boys while the egg smearing step occurs.
Aiden giving some decorating input or maybe just hanging out.
This has to be the best step of the whole baking process. Of course eating is really the best step, but Julia did the eating step all the way through the process (note the sprinkles all over her face).
The White Hand of Flour!
Four little kids who skipped naps, made and ate cookies, and played hard were needing a bit of downtime. They got to watch Frosty the Snowman and relax a bit before going home.
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