Consignment Season

There are many seasons we celebrate, but around here we celebrate Consignment season twice a year. This is the time where we organize all the clothes, toys, shoes, and baby stuff that we have outgrown and sell it to other people looking to save money on seasonal wardrobes and other things they need. In return we purchase clothes, shoes, and toys that bigger kids have outgrown. Because of the time commitment required for working, shopping, and just getting ready for the sale there is no way to not involve our kids. In fact, when Emily realized that she would miss out on the main shopping day she was quite disappointed. This Fall’s sale went really well both for cool finds and sales. The girls did well in supporting Mama too.
At drop-off Mama ran into our friends. The kids checkout out some of the toys. We had fun playing while their Mama put away her sale items.
For all the good spirits and helpfulness, there was a bit of a breakdown after we missed our nap. At this point, Julia had thought sorting had taken too long and she would rather watch a movie. A photo of the stubborn little girl seemed like the only appropriate response.
Julia made a new friend while we were at lunch. Sweet Frog was a sweet frog. 😉
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