Emily’s first hike

Robby and I have wanted to take a trip and we decided that we should make a day trip to learn what it would be like to travel with Emily. We drove to North Carolina and visited Chimney Rock. The temperature had been dropping over the last couple of days and the day we had chosen to go was the day the temperature bottomed out. Because of the low temperature two of the trails were closed at Chimney Rock and Robby and I were disappointed to not be able to hike them. We were able to take in the vistas and do some light hiking around some large rock formations. Emily enjoyed the hike, but not the blustery winds. She would fuss when hit with a blow. For the most part Emily slept the whole day. She slept in the car and while hiking. Other than working out the hiking gear with Emily and her feedings, it was a pretty normal trip for us. I don’t think we will be taking any 7 mile hikes any time soon, but shorter excursions will be quite enjoyable!
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